Salzburg Airport: New bus connection in Pongau

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From December 21, 2024, regional bus route 270 will be put into operation again to support winter guests and commuters between Eben im Pongau and . The measure addresses the traffic restrictions caused by construction sites on the A10 Tauernautobahn and offers travelers a reliable alternative.

Resumption of bus route 270

Due to the major traffic challenges at the tunnel construction site on the A10, the regional bus route 270 will be resumed and will serve thousands of . It enables a direct connection from the Eben park-and-ride car park to , a route that takes around 70 minutes of time on average.

Traffic disruptions on the A10

Between September 10, 2024 and the end of June 2025, extensive renovation work will take place in the area of the Ofenau Tunnel and the Werden tunnel chain. This work is affecting the traffic flow on the Tauern Autobahn. ASFINAG provides real-time information to better plan travel times to the airport.

Important information for air travelers from

Airport officials recommend that travelers allow sufficient time for arrival to ensure a smooth check-in. Check-in deadlines must be strictly adhered to, as delays in departures are not possible for operational reasons.

Long-term mobility concept

Salzburg Airport is working with partners on a comprehensive mobility concept, which is supported by the ‘Airport 4.0’ project. The prioritization for public buses in construction zones enables them to move quickly on the highway, even when traffic volumes are high.

Salzburg’s mobility initiatives aim to ensure the long-term accessibility of the airport and tourist . With strong partners and innovative projects such as Airport 4.0, a future-oriented infrastructure is being created for and residents.

The timetable for the expanded service on line 270 is available for download at